There will be a silent auction and raffle table during this event on November 9th and once again, we are asking for donations.  Items should be new or handmade or a gift of time such as handyman work, babysitting, etc.  
We are also looking for Business Donations - The best way to get donations is a good customer asking the business for a donation. If there are any businesses that you have contacts for, we would appreciate any donations from businesses for the craft show since we no longer are holding our Spring Auction.
Your donations can be dropped off anytime now until November 3rd, 2024. There are donation forms available (personal and business) and a table set up for the donations at the end of the hallway outside of the offices. Please make sure a donation form is fully filled out for each item being donated. If you are donating a lot of items, you can contact the office or Margaret Yahiro to get forms printed with your contact information on them to save some handwriting!
All donations big or small help make this fundraising event successful and we thank you in advance for your generosity.   
Once again we are having a Bake sale at the Christmas Craft Show!   
We are again asking all the fantastic bakers of St. Andrew’s to make  ANY kind of baked goods to sell. Cookies, cakes, loaves, pies, tarts, squares (Christmas squares would be wonderful for this time of year! Please leave them uncut), etc. would be gratefully accepted. We would appreciate receiving the baked goods by 4:00 pm on Friday, November 8th to give the volunteers time to plate and price them.